Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Being A Mum

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I just love motherhood!!!


They are so many things I love doing with Lana; painting, playing, reading books, dancing, drawing, singing, walking, to name a few. There are lots of wonderful things we do together! 


She’s always full of fun! Always giggling! Always happy. She doesn’t stop to amuse us! She’s literally a heaven on earth!


She is truly remarkable. She can say so many words now, from “Good morning, Mummy” to “Have a good day!” She knows exactly what to say to someone at the right time. She knows how to apologize and she knows how to make you feel better.


It certainly is a delight to be with her.  Sometimes, the weekends are not enough to do all the things we want to do. Thus, it’s imperative that I spend my non-working days with her. Every minute with Lana is so precious to me.


Besides, time flies and before we know it, my little girl is already a big girl hanging out with her own friends. So, at the moment, Dad especially Mum will enjoy spending time with her first! Giving her lots of cuddles, kisses and lots of love!


Being a mum is really wonderful. Being Lana’s Mum is exceptionally wonderful.


 And I love being Lana’s Mum. She is truly an angel!


Thanks for being our little angel, Lana!

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